Innovation opportunities
Innovation and disruptive ideas are not created and developed in a vacuum. We believe that it takes a whole ecosystem to lead to the development of successful businesses.
Therefore, we pride ourselves in working with partners who are leaders in their respective fields to support their intrapreneurial strategies as well as providing exclusive access to external innovation opportunities.

Who do we partner with?

- We offer a full scaffold of services allowing academics at all stages of their career to streamline the commercialisation of their scientific research.
- Tailored training, mentoring and networking to build sci-entrepreneurial capacity within your organisation.
- Planning and facilitating external innovation partnerships with relevant corporate and funding bodies
- Building entrepreneurial ecosystem capacity
- We generate and foster your local ecosystem that encourages science translation and entrepreneurial activities which lead to novel innovation and value added for society. Moreover, we provide your ecosystem with access to world class expertise via our Oxford-based activities and international network.
- Economical development
- We provide a scaffold to boost the development of your local early-stage ventures, which leads to more successful businesses created and the generation of tangible assets, improving the positive impact of scientific research generated in your ecosystem, while building vetted opportunities to attract a wide pool of sophisticated international investors.
- Building an intrapreneurial culture to support the development of your staff
- Maximising the commercialisation potential of your in-house assets
- Early access to a curated deal-flow of investment opportunities from across our portfolio
- Positioning you as a the firm of choice via building early customer loyalty across our community of top-tier founders
- Supporting rapid agile innovation transformation process to cater for upcoming trends and opportunities
Our Methodologies
Intrapreneurial Development
We holistically assess areas of strategic organisational interests and develop a clear plan to commercialise both your developed as well as undervalued assets. Additionally, we apply our proprietary know-how to build a tailored intrapreneurial culture that allows your members to fulfill their untapped potential.

We analyse your organisation to develop a thorough understanding of your innovation status quo. Based on this information, we develop an operational plan that balances your strategic goals, market trends, benefactors’ alignment and risk profile.
We evaluate and shortlist the best talents and high-potential assets within your company, and run relevant workshops to provide your senior stakeholders with a hands-on link to potential opportunities from within your organization and local ecosystem.
For each identified asset, we use our wider network and in-house expertise to validate the commercial viability and develop a milestone plan. Where relevant, we facilitate further integration with appropriate technology service providers and investors.
External innovation
Exposure to this disruptive deep science ecosystem expands your market intelligence, whilst providing your organisation with potential clients or assets that could be internalised into your own pipeline.
We provide your organisation with access to our own curated in-house deal-flow. As a partner, your organisation interacts with pre-vetted ventures across a range of different fields which can be complementary to your interests.
We work closely with your organisation to identify areas of interest for external innovation. Subsequently, we build intake themes around these areas and we focus on developing and/or supporting founding teams that have the potential to create and/or develop novel science ventures in those areas.
What our partners say…
Get in touch to find out more about how you could become a part of our network.